We offer our children a balanced and diverse curriculum and a key component of this is the wide variety of activities and clubs that we offer before, during and after-school.

Our clubs are led by both our own staff and external providers – who currently run clubs for tennis, karate, ball-skills, golf, drama, chess and fencing. Boys and girls are welcome to take part in any sporting club they enjoy, unrestricted by gender, such as hockey, netball, rugby, tennis, cricket, fitness and football.

We offer pupils a number of artistic clubs, from choirs to bands, drama and a cartoon club. Staff members also offer other interesting opportunities, from a fashion club, to sign language and wellbeing clubs. Through all these various weekly events, children are given an expansive flavour of things to try, learn and share together in our community, while also developing skills and enthusiasm for  areas that they enjoy. 

In the Prep school children have a weekly activity session as part of the school day. Each week the children take part in a different activity. Activities include Forest School, philosophy, cooking, drama, gardening, samba and world news, to
mention just a few.

By incorporating a wide variety of activities and clubs into the School day, we encourage our children to develop their interests and give them the opportunity to do so.   

The following clubs and activities are being held this term:

Autumn 2024 clubs