Extended ‘late-stay’ options are available at Widford Lodge for the convenience of busy parents and carers.

All Late Stay provision must be pre-booked in advance by paying for a Session on SchoolGateway.

The fees for extended day care are as follows:

Late Stay

EYFS Pre-School

 3.15pm – 4.15pm



Session 1

Session 2 Session 3 Total payable if staying beyond 4.45pm
  Collected between 3:15pm /3:25 – 4pm Collected between 4pm – 4.45pm Collected between 4.45pm – 5.30pm


£5 for supervised play +£5 for additional Late Stay +£5 for additional
Late Stay


£5 for supervised play +£5 for additional Late Stay +£5 for additional
Late Stay

Prep School

N/A £5 for additional Late Stay +£5 for additional
Late Stay


All Late Stay provision must be pre-booked in advance.