English and Maths provide the main emphasis of the curriculum and as a priority, teachers strive to instil a love of books and reading. As well as an extensive reading scheme, author studies familiarise pupils with a range of children’s authors and provide wonderful opportunities for creative language work.
Maths skills are gained through a hands-on, practical approach, which teaches mathematical concepts using discussions, practice, challenges and investigations. Our enthusiastic attitude towards maths ensures that the children see it as a fun and creative subject. Mental strategies are a priority and children’s progress is reviewed and assessed regularly.
Science, art, design technology, computing, PE/games, music, PSHEE, and French are also part of the Pre-Prep timetable, with history, geography and religious education taught as topics. Educational trips and an annual ‘Go Creative’ event enrich the curriculum.
Highlights of the year include Christmas plays, sports day, swimming galas, theatre trips and a prize giving ceremony to which parents are warmly invited.