Wednesday 26th February 2020
Due to the recent devastating events in Australia, we are holding an Eco Day at school. The aim is to increase awareness of the causes of the fires, focusing on the environment and how we can help. We would like to raise money for the animals and people who have been affected by the fires.
There will be buckets on the gate in the morning, please feel free to make a donation on the day or on SIMSPay, all your pennies count.
We will be using the money to adopt a koala, which has been injured and requires sponsorship to help with its rehabilitation. We are also going to sponsor tree planting to help restore some wild areas.
FOWL have very kindly agreed to run a ‘Cake and Cuppa’ event in the hall, from 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
For further details on the days events, cake donations and ways to donate please see the attached document on SIMSPay.