Royal Gunpowder Mills
Form 6 had a most enjoyable and worthwhile trip to Royal
Gunpowder Mills in Waltham Abbey to take part in. Victorian Day recently. The
children learnt about life in the Victorian Classroom, Victorian Toys, what
Victorians did in their spare time and Victorian living conditions! Learning is
so much …Read More
Holly’s amazing fundraising for CLIC Sargent.
Holly Coward-Talbott, a pupil at Widford Lodge School, ‘Braved
the Shave’ on 15th February to raise £4,355.79 for CLIC Sargent. CLIC Sargent fight tirelessly for children and
young people with cancer individually, locally and nationally. Holly was interviewed by BBC Essex’s Sadie
Nine and told the listeners all …Read More